Climate, Weather and Vegetation

Climate and Weather
• Forests and Vegetation
1. What is the name of the temperate grassland of South America?
(A) Pampas (B) Prairies
(C) Veld (D) Savanna
Ans. (A)

2. Grasslands are called Pampas in-
(A) Africa (B) South America
(C) Britain (D) USA
Ans. (B)

3. The Prairies of North America are-
(A) Tropical Forest (B) River Basin
(C) Animal Farm (D) Temperate Grasslands
Ans. (D)

4. The Temperate grasslands of North America are
known as-
(A) Pampas (B) Downs
(C) Steppe (D) Prairie
Ans. (D)

5. Which of the following biomes is known as
“Breadbasket of the World”?
(A) Mid Latitude Grassland (B) Taiga
(C) Mediterranean (D) Tropical Savanna
Ans. (A)

6. The Tropical grasslands are called-
(A) Pampas (B) Llanos
(C) Savanna (D) Veld
Ans. (C)

7. Llanos are the grassland of –
(A) Guyana highland (B) Brazilian highland
(C) Argentina (D) Chile
Ans. (A)

8. Word “Steppe” is related to which of the following biomes?
(A) Grassland (B) Tropical Forest
(C) Savanna (D) Coniferous Forest
Ans. (A)

9. Which of the following man-made calamities is social calamity?
(A) Landslide
(B) Interpenetration of Salt Water
(C) Home Cremation (D) Ozone Depletion
Ans. (C)

10. What is the main natural cause of disruption
of road in hilly areas?
(A) Landslide (B) Falling of Trees
(C) Traffic (D) Road Construction
Ans. (A)

11. The Symmetrical patterns in a natural region
are of-
(A) Climate and Vegetation
(B) Climate and Industry Climate, Weather and Vegetation Chapter-05
(C) Soil and Water-drainage
(D) Economic Base and Species
Ans. (A)

12. Which of the following sequence is correct in
their declining productivity?
(A) Mangrove, Ocean, Grassland, Lakes
(B) Ocean, Lake, Grassland, Mangrove
(C) Ocean, Mangrove, Lakes, Grassland
(D) Mangrove, Grassland, Lake, Ocean
Ans. (C)

13. Which of the following forest is resistant to cyclones?
(A) Alpine Forest (B) Mangrove Forest
(C) Evergreen forest (D) Monsoon forest
Ans. (B)

14. Where are rare plantless forest found?
(A) Alpine (B) Tundra
(C) Chaparral (D) Taiga
Ans. (B)

15. The Amazon forests are a type of?
(A) Tropical Forest
(B) Temperate Forest
(C)Temerate Evergreen Forest
(D)Tropical Seasonal Forest
Ans. (A)

16. What is the percentage cover of tropical rain
forest in the world?
(A) 2% (B) 7% (C) 10% (D) 15%
Ans. (A)

17. Which is the largest forest covering 25% of
world’s land?
(A) Tropical rain forest
(B) Taiga forest of Siberia
(C)Monsoon forest
(D)Temperate forest of Europe
Ans. (B)

18. Evergreen forests are found in-
(A) Monsoon region (B) Deserted region
(C) Mediterranean region (D) Equator region
Ans. (D)

19. Deciduous trees-
(A) Depend on others for its food
(B) Lose their leaves every year
(C) Do not lose their leaves
(D) Do synthesis of their food
Ans. (B)

20. Which of the following forest is the forest with
maximum bio diversity?
(A) Tropical (B) Temperate
(C) Monsoon (D) Equatorial
Ans. (D)

21. Which of the following gives the maximum
(A) Green Forest (B) Desert
(C) Grassland (D) Phytoplankton
Ans. (D)

22. Match the followingsA. Rosewood 1. Garen forest
B. Bushes 2. Alpine forest
C. Birch 3. Deciduous forest
D. Sundari 4. Dry forest tree
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 3 4 1
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 3 4 2 1
Ans. (D)

23. Which country started the cultivation of potatoes in Europe?
(A) German (B) Spanish
(C) Dutch (D)Portuguese
Ans. (B)

24. In which form can the cultivable land be
(A) The land which can grow the crops
(B) Waste land + fallow land
(C) Old fallow land+new follow land
(D) Total fallow land+net sown land
Ans. (D)

25. What is known as Soil-free Farming?
(A) Hydroponics (B) Humidity up gradation
(C) Interlude crops (D) Sericulture
Ans. (A)

26. The biggest producer of Rice is-
(A) India (B) Pakistan
(C)China (D)Burma
Ans. (C)

27. Which is the best variety of otton in the world?
(A) Sea Island (B) Upland American
(C) Egyptian (D) Indian short fibres
Ans. (A)

28. What is the most important ed(ible crop of Australia?
(A) Maize (B) Barley (C) Wheat (D) Rice
Ans. (C)

29. Which of the following country is not an exporter of tea?
(A) Srilanka (B) United Kingdom
(C) India (D) Kenya
Ans. (B)

30. The largest producer of coffee in the world is-
(A) Ivory coast (B) Brazil
(C) India (D) Mexico
Ans. (B)

31. Which is the biggest coffee producing country
in the world?
(A) India (B) Brazil
(C) Peru (D) Argentina
Ans. (B)

32. Which of the following pair is correctly matched1. Northern China – Rice
2. Southern China – Wheat
3. Candy Basin – Coffee
4. Malaysia – Natural Rubber
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
Ans. (D)

33. Match the followings –
List 1 List 2
A. Rice 1. Brazil
B. Maize 2. Thailand
C. Rubber 3. China
D. Sugarcane 4. United States of America
(A) 2 1 3 4
(B) 1 3 4 2
(C) 3 4 2 1
(D) 4 2 1 3
Ans. (C)

34. India is the largest producer and consumer of-
(A) Rice (B) Tea
(C) Coffee (D) Sugar
Ans. (B)

35. Which of the following determines the quality
of agro-products?
(A) I.S.I. (B) Eco Product
(C) AGMARK (D) Green Product
Ans. (C)

36. I.R.20 is a high yielding variety of which of the
(A) Cotton (B) Rice
(C) Wheat (D) Sugarcane
Ans. (B)

37. The region famous for various types of wine and
champagne is-
(A) Eastern Europe (B) Western Europe
(C) Mediterranean Sea (D) Grassland
Ans. (C)

38. Which country produces the maximum amount of timber?
(A) United States of America
(B) Brazil
(C) Nigeria (D) Sweden
Ans. (A)

39. The flower bud which is used as spice, is obtained from?
(A) Cinnamon (B) Cardamom
(C) Clove (D) Coriander
Ans. (C)

40. Which of the following is a type of farming that involves both the growing of crops as well as
raising of livestock?
(A) Intensive Farming (B) Mixed Farming
(C) Dairy Farming (D) Dry Farming
Ans. (B)

41. In which country, slash and burn agriculture is known as “Milpa”?
(A) Venezuela (B) Brazil
(C) Central America
(D) Mexico and Central America
Ans. (D)

42. The type of rain in humid equatorial climate is-
(A) Cyclonic (B) Mountaineous
(C) Convectional
(D) Fluctuating and Cyclonic
Ans. (C)

43. The Mediterranean region is known for heavy rain-
(A) In spring season (B) In autumn
(C) In winter (D) In summer
Ans. (C)

44. Onshore breeze develops in-
(A) Day (B) Night
(C) Both A and B (D) Season
Ans. (A)

45. Land breeze is a cold breeze which flows from
land to–
(A) Sea (B) Forest
(C) Desert (D) None of these
Ans. (A)

46. How can the classification of climate based region be done-
(A) Distance from Equator
(B) Height
(C) Rain (D) Distance from sea
Ans. (A)

47. What does acid rain contain which destroys plants?
(A) Nitrate (B) Ozone
(C)Carbon Mono Oxide(D)Sulphuric Acid
Ans. (D)

48. The Sea water is more salty than rain water,
(A) Sea creatures salt
(B) Air around sea is salty
(C) Rivers pours salt from the soil into sea
(D) There are salt mines in sea surface
Ans. (C)

49. Which of the following winds changes its direction with the change of season?
(A) Recurring trapped Winds
(B) Monsoon Winds
(C)Polar Winds (D)Cyclonic Winds
Ans. (B)

50. Dry winds (Harmattan) blows in Sahara Desert from-
(A) South to North (B) East to West
(C) West to East (D) North to South
Ans. (B)

51. What is the meaning of Willy-Willy?
(A) Tropical Cyclone near Australia
(B) Earthquake
(C) High Tide
(D) Tropical Cyclone near India
Ans. (A)

52. Typhoon comes in-
(A) Mexican gulf (B) Indian ocean
(C) Arctic Ocean (D) China and Japan sea
Ans. (D)

53. Match the following and choose the correct option List 1 List 2 (Country) (Local Wind)
A. Australia 1. Hurricane
B. China 2. Willy-willy
C. France 3. Typhoon
D. West Ind. 4. Mistral
(A) 2 1 4 3
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 4 1 2 3
Ans. (C)

54. What is the reason of duration of cold wave in America?
(A) Biodiversity and Habitat
(B) Climate and Energy
(C)Political Administration
(D)Polar Vortex
Ans. (D)

55. In which of the following region, it rains throughout the year?
(A) Mediterranean (B) Equatorial
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(C) Tropical (D) Temperate
Ans. (B)

56. The prediction of storm is made, when atmospheric pressure-
(A) Rises suddenly (B) Rises gradually
(C) Decreases suddenly (D) Decreases gradually
Ans. (C)

57. The sudden decline in atmospheric pressure indicates-
(A) Clear Weather (B) Storm
(C) Rain (D) Cold Weather
Ans. (B)

58. What is the meaning of “Cloud Burst”-
(A) Appearance of clouds in sky
(B) Very heavy rain with heavy storm
(C) Sowing of crop seeds in cloudy weather
(D) Formation of artificial rain
Ans. (B)

59. The clouds float in atmosphere because of –
(A) Low Temperature (B) Low Velocity
(C) Low Pressure (D) Less Density
Ans. (D)

60. Which of the following instrument is used to measure humidity?
(A) Kata Thermometer (B) Anemometer
(C) Sling Psychrometer (D) Medical thermometer
Ans. (C)

61. The vertical speed of air is called-
(A) Wind (B) Air current
(C) Air outburst (D) Velocity of air
Ans. (B)

62. Which of the following cyclone had devastated Bangladesh in November 2007-
(A) Dean (B) Vutiye
(C) Sidr (D) None of these
Ans. (C)

63. Fog is an Example of-
(A) Gas in dispersed gas
(B) Gas in dispersed liquid
(C) Gas in dispersed solid
(D) Liquid in dispersed solid
Ans. (B)

64. A form of condensation which reduces the visibility and causes breathing problems, is-
(A) Dew (B) Frost
(C) Smoke fog (D) Fog
Ans. (C)

65. Smog is a Mixture of-
(A) Air and Water Vapour
(B) Water and Smoke
(C) Fire and Water (D) Smoke and Fog
Ans. (D)

66. Deliquescence rises in-
(A) Warm, Moist and Airy Condition
(B) Cold, Moist and Airy Condition
(C) Cold, Dry and Still Condition
(D) Warm, Dry and Airy Condition
Ans. (A)

67. Rainfall caused by intense evaporation in equatorial areas is called _______.
(A) Orographic rainfall (B) Cyclonic rainfall
268 Geography Rakesh Yadav Readers Publication Pvt. Ltd
(C) Frontal rainfall (D) Convectional rainfall
Ans. (D)

68. The country which tops in the production of cocoa is ___________.
(A) Ghana (B) Brazil.
(C) Ivory Coast (D) Nigeria
Ans. (C)

69. Precipitation in the form of a mixture of rain and snow is called
(A) Drizzle (B) Hail
(C) Sleet (D) Snow
Ans: (C)

70. The polar regions are sparsely populated because of-
(A) Lack of minerals
(B) Unsuitable climatic conditions
(C) Infertile land
(D) Mountainous topography
Ans. (B)

71. Which of the following is/are ‘rain cloud’?
1. Cirrus 2. Nimbostratus
3. Cumulonimbus 4. Altocumulus
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 1 and 4 only
Ans. (B)

72. The place on the Earth’s surface above the focus is called the __________.
(A) Focus (B) Incentre
(C) Epicenter (D) Circumcenter
Ans. (C)

73. Instrument for measuring rainfall is called
(A) Lucimeter (B) GA lactometer
(C) Hyetometer (D) Hygrometer
Ans. (C)

74. Instrument for measuring blueness of the sky or ocean is called ___________.
(A) Bathymeter (B) Ceraunograph
(C) Cyanometer (D) Barometer
Ans: (C)

75. The rainfall due to upward movement of air
caused by convergence of cold air masses
against warm air masses is called ____________.
(A) Cyclonic rainfall (B) Orographic rainfall
(C) Frontal rainfall (D) Convectional rainfall
Ans. (C)

76. _________ affect the rate of humus formation of soil.
(A) Flora & Fauna (B) Time
(C) Temperature (D) Parent rock
Ans: (A)

77. The method of soil conservation in which stones, grass, soil are used to build barriers along contours and trenches are made in front of the barriers to collect water is called?
(A) Mulching (B) Contour barriers
(C) Rock dam (D) Terrace farming
Ans: (B)

78. The method of soil conservation in which bare ground between plants is covered with layer of organic matter like straw is called?
(A) Mulching (B) Contour barriers
(C) Rockdam (D) Terrace farming
Ans: (A)

79. _______ determines colour, texture, chemical properties, mineral content and permeability of soil.
(A) Flora & Fauna (B) Time
(C) Climate (D) Parent rock
Ans. (D)

80. Which of the following trees shed their leaves once in a year?
(A) Deciduous trees (B) Coniferous trees
(C) Evergreen trees
(D) Both deciduous and coniferous trees
Ans. (A)

81. Fog, clouds, mist are examples of _______.
(A) Aerosol (B) Solid sol
(C) Foam (D) Gel
Ans: (A)

82. _________ influences the rate of weathering and humus in soil formation.
(A) Flora & Fauna (B) Time
(C) Parent rock (D) Climate
Ans: (D)

83. Which of the following device is used to measure humidity?
(A) Hydrometer (B) Hygrometer
(C) Psychrometer (D) Anemometer
Ans: (B)

84. Which of the following is most important for absorption of heat radiated from the Sun as well as from the Earth?
(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Oxygen
(C) Carbon monoxide (D) Nitrogen
Ans. (A)

Carbon dioxide is one of the gases which absorb and reemits infrared radiations.
85. What is the full form of ITCZ?
(A) Inter Tropical Converter Zone
(B) Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
(C) Inter Tropical Centre Zone
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)

86. Doldrums pressure belts lies in between which of the following latitudes?
(A) 5º N to 5º S (B) 35º to 60º N and S
(C) 25º to 35º N and S (D) 35º to 45º N and S
Ans. (A)

87. Soil having high content of aluminum and iron
oxide is also known as _____.
(A) Meadow soil (B) Pedalfer soil
(C) Chernozen soil (D) Podzols oil
Ans. (B)

88. Which of the following has maximum biodiversity?
(A) Desert (B) River
(C) Polar Region (D) Tropical Region

89. Which of the following has maximum diurnal emperature difference?
(A) Desert (B) Mountains
(C) Plateau (D) Ocean
Ans. (A)

90. Which of the following winds are hot dust laden
and b low from Sahara desert towards
Mediterranean Region?
(A) Sirocco (B) Loo
(C) Foehn (D) Mistral
Ans. (A)

91. The method of soil conservation in the coastal and dry regions where rows of trees are planted to check the wind movement to protect soil cover is called-
(A) Mulching (B) Contour barriers
(C) Rock dam (D) Shelter belts
Ans. (D)

92. The method of soil conservation in which rocks are piled up to slow down the flow of water which prevents gullies and further soil loss is called-
(A) Mulching (B) Contour barriers
(C) Rockdam (D) Terrace Farming
Ans. (C)

93. The method of soil conservation in which different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times to protect the soil from rain wash is called?
(A) Mulching (B) Intercropping
(C) Rockdam (D) Terrace farming
Ans: (B)

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