Soil and Agriculture

1. The composition of laterite soil in higher areas is-
(A) Alkaline (B) Saline
(C) Acidic (D) Balanced
Ans. (C)

2. The Laterite soil is found in which of the following state?
(A) Kerala (B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Rajasthan (D) Maharashtra
Ans. (A & D)

3. The Laterite soil is found in –
(A) High rainfall states (B) In deserts
(C) Tropical areas
(D) Dry and humid tropical areas
Ans. (D)

4. How can soil erosion be controlled on hill slopes?
(A) Forestation (B) Step farming
(C) Strip cropping
(D) Linear contour ploughing
Ans. (D)

5. The soil of northern plain of India is formed by-
(A) Degradation (B) Aggradation
(C) Weathering in situ (D) Erosion
Ans. (B)

6. Which soil is best for the production of cotton?
(A) Black soil (B) Loam soil
(C) Alluvial soil (D) Peaty soil
Ans. (A)

7. Which of the following crop grown in alluvial soil requires huge amount of water?
(A) Tea (B) Wheat
(C) Rice (D) Peanut
Ans. (C)

8. The another name of acid or alkaline soil is-
(A) Regur (B) Bangar
(C) Kallar (D) Khadar
Ans. (C)

9. In which of the state land with maximum area
an unusable?
(A) Rajasthan (B) Gujarat
(C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Jammu and Kashmir
Ans. (A)

10. Petrology is the study of –
(A) Land (B) Mineral
(C) Rock (D) Soil
Ans. (C)

11. The salinity of soil is measured by-
(A) Electrical Conductivity Meter
(B) Hygrometer
(C) Psychrometer (D) Scaler
Ans. (A)

12. Edible crops include-
(A) Cotton, Tobacco, Sugarcane
(B) Linseed, Castor, Turmeric
(C) Foodgrains, Pulses, Oilseeds
(D) Jute, Cotton, Chilli
Ans. (C)

13. IR–20 and RATNA are two main variety of-
(A) Wheat (B) Millet
(C) Jwar (D) Rice
Ans. (D)

14. The Shifting cultivation is still prevalent in –
(A) Mizoram (B) Nagaland
(C) Manipur (D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

15. The Practice of shifting cultivation is used in-
(A) Himachal Pradesh (B) Central Highlands
(C) Coastal Tamil Nadu (D) Nagaland
Ans. (D)

16. “Jhoom” is –
(A) A Folk Dance (B) A River
(C) A Tribe of North-East India
(D) A type of Cultivation
Ans. (D)

17. Madhya Pradesh is the biggest producer of –
(A) Cotton (B) Oilseeds
(C) Pulses (D) Maize
Ans. (*)

18. The Step farming is performed on-
(A) Slopes of Hills (B) In Dry Areas
(C) Terrace (D) Peak of the Hills
Ans. (A)

19. The crop which is produced largely/mostly in India-
(A) Wheat (B) Jowar
(C) Maize (D) Rice
Ans. (D)

20. What is the name of the largest coffee producing state in India?
(A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Goa
(C) Karnataka (D) Tamil Nadu
Ans. (C)

21. In terms of money, which spice is exported most nfrom India?
(A) Pepper (B) Dry Red Chilli
(C) Turmeric (D) Cardamom
Ans. (B)

22. Which Crop is cultivated in Zaid season?
(A) Watermelon (B) Soyabean
(C) Maize (D) Jute
Ans. (A)

23. Zaid crops are-
(A) Green crops which are feed to animals for grazing.
(B) Substitute crops which are cropped when regular crops fail to grow
(C) Crops which are cropped to attract insecticides
(D) Crops which are cropped to attract such insects
which are necessary to work as pesticides
Ans. (B)

24. Which of the following is not produced in the season of kharif?
(A) Millet and Rice (B) Maize and Jowar
(C) Jau and Mustard (D) Jowar and Rice
Ans. (C)

25. Which of the following is not Rabi Crop in India?
(A) Wheat (B) Jau
(C) Rape seed (D) Jute
Ans. (D)

26. The state which tops in production of mustard seed is?
(A) Maharashtra (B) Rajasthan
(C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Gujarat
Ans. (B)

27. The topography of plateau is best for-
(A) Farming (B) Forestry
(C) Mining
(D) Hydropower generation
Ans. (C)

28. There is rainfall more than 200cm. In a sloppy mountainous tract of India. Which of the following crops can be farmed there?
(A) Cotton (B) Jute
(C) Tobacco (D) Tea
Ans. (D)

29. India is the largest producer and exporter of?
(A) Cotton (B) Copper
(C) Tea (D) Mica
Ans. (*)

30. Which of the following Indian state is not a producer of tea?
(A) Assam (B) Kerala
(C) West Bengal (D) Chhattisgarh
Ans. (D)

31. Which of the following groups of states produce rubber on commercial scale?
(A) Maharashtra-Gujarat-Madhya Pradesh
(B) Kerala-Tamil Nadu-Karnataka
(C) Sikkim-Madhya Pradesh-Nagaland
(D) Orissa-Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra
Ans. (B)
32. Which of the following is a cash crop in India?
(A) Maize (B) Gram
(C) Onion (D) Wheat
Ans. (C)

33. The Plantation agriculture produces?
(A) Only Food Crops (B) Plantation Crops
(C) Cash Crops (D) Four Crops
Ans. (B)

34. The share of food crops in India’s total production is almost?
(A)50% (B)60%
(C)70% (D)80%
Ans. (C)

35. Which of the following state is the largest wheat producing state in India?
(A) Punjab (B) Uttar Pradesh
(C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Haryana

36. Which state is a jute abundant state?
(A) West Bengal (B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Kerala (D) Orissa
Ans. (A)

37. Which is the main competitor of India in jute production?
(A) China (B) Nepal
(C) Bangladesh (D) Japan
Ans. (C)

38. What is the rank of India in milk production in the world?
(A) Fourth (B) Third
(C) Second (D) First
Ans. (D)

39. Turpentine oil is obtained from-
(A) Cashew nut shell (B) Pine tree
(C) Eucalyptus tree (D) Cinchona tree
Ans. (B)

40. Which of the following spice is obtained from the roots?
(A) Cloves (B) Cinnamon
(C) Turmeric (D) None of these
Ans. (D)

41. The term “Green Revolution” is used to show higher production of-
(A) Grasslands (B) Tree plantation
(C) Per hectare agricultural output
(D) Gardening in urban centres
Ans. (C)

42. During the period of _______, the production of food crops specially wheat increased very sharply-
(A) 1954 (B) 1964
(C) 1965 (D) 1966
Ans. (D)

43. Which of the following component was not the part of agricultural policy of Green Revolution?
(A) High density of crops
(B) Guaranteed maximum price
(C) New agricultural technology
(D) Investment package
Ans. (B)

44. The Green Revolution was most successful in-
(A) Punjab and Tamil Nadu
(B) Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
(C) Haryana
(D) Uttar Pradesh and Maharasthra
Ans. (B)

45. Choose the crops which were cropped by using high yielding seeds in India during Green Revolution?
(A) Rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds and sugarcane
(B) Maize, gram, jowar, coffee and tea
(C) Rice, wheat, jowar, millet and maize
(D) Wheat, rice, sugarcane, pulses and maize
Ans. (C)

46. Green Revolution is related to which Crop-
(A) Rice (B) Wheat
(C) Pulses (D) Sugercane
Ans. (B)

47. Another name of Green Revolution in India is-
(A) Seed, Fertilizer and Irrigation Revolution
(B) Food Security Revolution
(C) Agricultural Revolution
(D) Multi-crop Revolution
Ans. (A)

48. HYV is also known _______ in India.
(A) White revolution (B) Blue revolution
(C) Traditional revolution
(D) New agricultural policy
Ans. (D)

49. Which state of India is known as “Sugar Bowl”?
(A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Punjab
(C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Bihar
Ans. (A)

50. Which state in India is known as “Rice Bowl”?
(A) Kerala (B) Karnataka
(C) Andhra Pradesh (D) Tamil Nadu
Ans. (C)

51. Which of the following factor affects the agriculture in India?
(A) Temperature (B) Humidity
(C) Wind (D) Rain
Ans. (D)

52. “Operation Flood” is related to which-
(A) Milk production (B) Wheat production
(C) Flood control (D) Water conservation
Ans. (A)

53. The area of food crops in total area of cropping in India is-
(A) More than 70% (B) 60 -70%
(C) 50-60% (D) Less than 50%
Ans. (B)

54. What is the percentage of Indian population engaged in agriculture?
(A) 60% (B) 50%
(C) 70% (D) 80%
Ans. (A)

55. “Blue Revolution” is related to-
(A) Fish production (B) Milk production
(C) Oil production (D) Food production
Ans. (A)

56. “Yellow Revolution” in India is related to-
(A) Rice production (B) Oilseed production
(C) Tea production (D) Flower production
Ans. (B)

57. As per the classification by agriculture ministry, how many agro-climatic zones are in India?
(A) 123 (B) 126
(C) 127 (D) 122
Ans. (C)

58. Find the incorrect pair-
(A) Tea-Assam (B) Peanut-Bihar
(C) Coconut-Kerala
(D) Sugarcane-Uttar Pradesh
Ans. (B)

59. BT seed is related to-
(A) Rice (B) Wheat
(C) Cotton (D) Oilseed
Ans. (C)

60. Social forestry is-
(A) Growing plants of various species on private land
(B) Management of forests by co-operative council
(C) Growing plants of same species on public land
(D) Growing and managing useful plants on public land
Ans. (D)

61. Which of the following state is considered as the traditional area for tank irrigation in India?
(A) Gujarat (B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Assam (D) Orissa
Ans. (B)

62. In which of the area of India, Non-Irrigated Farming is performed?
(A) Kanera Field (B) Deccan Plateau
(C) Coromandal Field (D) Ganges Field
Ans. (B)

63. Which of the following district of Tamil Nadu is not suitable for farming due to rising salinity in soil?
(A) Tiruchirappalli (B) Nagapattinam
(C) Ramnathpuram (D) Coimbatore
Ans. (A)

64. Match the followingsCrop Producing States
A. Tea 1. Himachal Pradesh
B. Sugarcane 2. Assam
C. Peanuts 3. Uttar Pradesh
D. Apple 4. Gujarat
(A) A-2,b-4,c-1,d-3 (B) A-2,b-3,c-4,d-1
(C) A-3,b-2,c-1,d-4 (D) A-4,b-3,c-1,d-2
Ans. (B)

65. Soil factors are also known as-
(A) Biological factors
(B) Geo Morphological factors
(C) Ecological factors (D) Edaphic factors
Ans. (D)

66. The Black soil is related to which of the following crop-
(A) Cotton (B) Sugarcane
(C)Tea (D) Coffee
Ans. (A)

67. What is the name of the soil, rich in Calcium?
(A) Pedocal (B) Pedalfer
(C) Podzol (D) Laterite
Ans. (A)

68. Gray soil, like the Ash of Pine Forest, is also knows as-
(A) Red and peat soil (B) Tundra soil
(C) Podzol (D) Gray soil
Ans. (C)

69. Which is the best suited soil for the cultivation of rice?
(A) Laterite soil (B) Red soil
(C) Alluvial soil (D) Black soil
Ans. (C)

70. The red colour of red soil is due to-
(A) Nitrogen (B) Humus
(C) Iron (D) Copper
Ans. (C)

71. The soil which bleaches quickly due to rain, is called-
(A) Red (B) Laterite
(C) Black (D) Alluvial
Ans. (B)

72. The remedy for soil erosion region is1. Bordering the region
2. Crop regulation 3. Deforestation
4. Allowing animals for grazing
(A) 1,2 (B) 1,4
(C) 4,3 (D) 4,3
Ans. (A)

73. Why is crop rotation necessary?
(A) To increase the fertility of soil
(B) To increase the quantity of minerals
(C) To reduce the quantity of proteins
(D) To plough various types of crops
Ans. (A)

74. Which of the following method does not help in conservation of the fertility and moisture of oil?
(A) Contour ploughing (B) Dry farming
(C) Strip cropping (D) Shifting cultivation
Ans. (D)

75. Which of the following is not a cause of soil erosion?
(A) Drainage (B) Deforestation
(C) Weathering (D) Grazing
Ans. (C)

76. The plantation in a huge manner to prevent soil erosion is called-
(A) Shelter Belts (B) Contour Farming
(C) Strip Farming (D) Forestation
Ans. (A)

77. Soil erosion in desert area can be prevented –
(A) By strip ploughing (B) By using manure
(C) By forestation (D) By shifting cultivation
Ans. (C)

78. The most ideal region for cultivation of cotton in India is
(A) The Brahmaputra Valley
(B) The Deccan Plateau
(C) The Indo Gangetic Valley
(D) The Rann of Kutch
Ans. (B)

79. The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil water is called ________
(A) Percolation (B) Conduction
(C) Leaching (D) Transpiration
Ans. (C)

80. Growing agricultural crops between rows of planted trees is known as
(A) Social forestry (B) Jhum
(C) Taungya system (D) Agro forestry
Ans. (C)

81. Red soil is normally found in India in which regions?
(A) Eastern region only
(B) Southern region only
(C) Eastern & southern part of the Deccan Plateau
(D) None of these
Ans. (C)

82. Science dealing with study of soil is called
(A) Pedology (B) Pedagogy
(C) Ecology (D) Pomology
Ans. (A)

83. Which of the following states has the largest
concentration of tea plantation in India?
(A) Assam (B) Bihar
(C) Meghalaya (D) Arunachal Pradesh
Ans. (A)

84. Which is the home of “Alphonso mango”?
(A) Ratnagiri (B) Banaras
(C) Malda (D) Vijayawada
Ans. (A)

85. Where is India’s most prized tea grown?
(A) Jorhat (B) Darjeeling
(C) Nilgiris (D) Munnar
Ans. (B)

86. Which of the following is the main spice producer?
(A) Deccan Trap (B) Malabar coast
(C) Coromandal coast (D) Sunder delta
Ans. (b)

87. In which of the following grouping of states of India is rubber grown on a commercial scale?
(A) Maharashtra-Gujarat-Madhya Pradesh
(B) Kerala-Tamil Nadu-Karnataka
(C) Sikkim-Arunachal Pradesh-Nagaland
(D) Odisha-Madhya Pradesh-Maharashtra
Ans. (B)

88. Rotation of crops mean
(A) Growing of different crops in succession to maintain soil fertility
(B) Some crops are grown again and again
(C) Two or more crops are grown simultaneously to increase productivity
(D) None of the above
Ans. (A)

89. Kerala is famous for the cultivation of
1. Coconut 2. Black-pepper
3. Rubber 4. Rice
(A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1, 2 and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4 (D) 1 and 4
Ans. (A)

90. Which one of the following is not a HYV of wheat ?
(A) Sonalika (B) Ratna
(C) Kalyan Sona (D) Girija
Ans. (B)

91. Which of the follwings is called “brown paper”?
(A) Jute (B) Cotton
(C) Rubber (D) Tea
Ans. (A)

92. Agricultural commodities are graded with:
(A) ISI (B) Eco-products
(C) AGMARK (D) Green Product
Ans. (C)

93. Dry farming in India is extensively practised in
(A) Kanara Plains (B) Deccan Plateau
(C) Coromandal Plains (D) Ganga Plains
Ans. (A)

94. The soil found in the Eastern and Western coasts of India is _____.
(A) Red Rocky (B) Laterite
(C) Black Cotton (D) Alluvial
Ans. (B)

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