Earth landforms and Geomorphology

62. Which among the following
statements is true regarding
International Date line ?
(a) It is 180° Longitude
(b) It is a straight line
(c) It is a big circle
(d) It is a curved line beyond earth

Ans: (a)
63. The sunlight is available 24 hours on
the longest day at which of the following
latitudes of the earth ?
(a) 49° (b) 66½°
(c) 63° (d) 69°51′
Ans: (b)
64. The Grand Canyon is located on the :
(a) Colorado River
(b) Rhine River
(c) Tapi River
(d) Niger River
Ans: (a)
65. Extensive deserts occur in the
western tropical regions of continents
because :
(a) of easterly trade winds.
(b) cold ocean currents flow along the
western coasts.
(c) of the effect of both the offshore easterly
trade winds and cold ocean currents.
(d) the rate of evaporation is greater along the
western margin areas.
Ans: (c)
66. The deposits of the ancient Tethys
Sea were folded to form the :
(a) Himalayas (b) Rockies
(c) Andes (d) Alps
Ans: (a)

67. Which one of the following types of
erosion is responsible for the formation
of Chambal Ravines?
(a) Splash (b) Sheet
(c) Rill (d) Gully
Ans: (d)
68. The west to east extension of the
Himalayas is from
(a) Indus gorge to Dihang gorge
(b) K2 to Chomoihari
(c) Nanga Parbat to Namcha Barwa
(d) Rakaposhi to Lohit river
Ans: (a)
69. Most of the devastating earthquakes
are usually caused by
(a) Eustatic movement
(b) Isostatic adjustment
(c) Collision of earth plates
(d) Volcanic eruption
Ans: (c)
70. Which one of the following is the
greatest circle ?
(a) Arctic Circle
(b) Equator
(c) Tropic of Cancer
(d) Tropic of Capricorn
Ans: (b)
71. Hanging Valley is formed due to the
action of
(a) Glacier (b) River
(c) Ocean (d) Wind
Ans: (a)
72. Mushroom Rocks are the typical land
forms seen in
(a) River Valleys
(b) Mountain tops
(c) Coastal areas
(d) Deserts
Ans: (d)
73. Basaltic lava is found in the
(a) Deccan Trap
(b) Himalayas
(c) Indo-Gangetic Plain
(d) North-Eastern Hills
Ans: (a)
74. Which one of the following types of
erosion is responsible for the formation
of Chambal Ravines ?
(a) Splash (b) Sheet
(c) Rill (d) Gully
Ans: (d)
75. Consider the following geological
phenomena :
I. Development of a fault
II. Movement along a fault
III. Impact produced by a volcanic
IV. Folding of rocks Which of the above
causes earthquakes ?
(a) I, II and III (b) II and IV
(c) I, III and IV (d) I to IV

76. Shale is metamorphosed into which
of the following rocks?
(a) Graphite (b) Gneiss
(c) Marble (d) Slate
Ans: (d)
77. Where are the hot deserts generally
found ?
(a) On the eastern margins of the Tropics
(b) On the western margins of the Tropics
(c) Nearer the Equator
(d) In the middle of the Continents
Ans: (b)
78. Why are winters more severe in
Southern Hemisphere than in Northern
(a) Earth is titled towards the sun in the
Northern Hemisphere
(b) Northern Hemisphere receives more
(c) Because of more iceberg activity in
Southern Hemisphere
(d) Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited
Ans: (a)
79. Marble is the metamorphosed form of
(a) Shale (b) Basalt
(c) Sandstone (d) Limestone
Ans: (d)
80. The highest mountain peak of the
Himalayas is situated in—
(a) India (b) Tibet
(c) Nepal (d) China
Ans: (c)
81. Metamorphic rocks originate from—
(a) igneous rocks
(b) sedimentary rocks
(c) both igneous and sedimentary rocks
(d) None of these
Ans: (c)
82. The term „epicentre‟ is associated
(a) earthquake (b) folding
(c) faulting (d) earth‟s interior
Ans: (a)
83. The Earth rotates on its axis at an
inclination of
(a) 23 1 2
22 1 2
(c) 21 1 2
Ans: (a)
84. Dolomite is a/an
(a) Sedimentary rock
(b) Plutonic rock
(c) Igneous rock
(d) Metamorphic rock
Ans: (a)
85. A geyser is a spring which
(a) throws water continuously
(b) throws water intermittently

Ans: (b)
87. How many minutes for each degree
of longitude does the local time of any
place vary from the Greenwich time ?
(a) Two minutes
(b) Four minutes
(c) Six minutes
(d) Eight minutes
Ans: (b)
88. The tropical grassland is called
(a) Pampas (b) Llanas
(c) Savanah (d) Veld
Ans: (c)
89. The topography of plateau is ideal for
(a) cultivation (b) forestry
(c) mining
(d) generation of hydro power
Ans: (d)
90. Which of the following statements is
correct ?
(a) Lava and magma both have gas
(b) Neither the lava nor the magma has gas
(c) Magma has gas while lava has no gas
(d) Lava has gas while magma has no gas
Ans: (a)
91. Which one of the following is the
example of sedimentary rocks ?
(a) Loess (b) Basalt
(c) Granite (d) Gabbro
Ans: (a)
92. Mica is found in which one of the
following pairs of rocks ?
(a) Slate- Sandstone
(b) Schist-Gneiss
(c) Limestone-Sandstone
(d) Shale- Limestone
Ans: (b)
93. The Mohorovicic (Moho)
Discontinuity separates
(a) Outer core and Mantle
(b) Inner and Outer core
(c) Sima and Nife
(d) Crust and Mantle
Ans: (d)
94. Suppose if we measure the time lapse
between the two Sunsets by sitting in the
beach, from this we can estimate
(a) The distance between the sun and the
(b) The depth of the ocean
(c) The radius of the earth
(d) The radius of the sun

Ans: (c)
95. What is the International Date Line ?
(a) It is the equator
(b) It is the 0° longitude
(c) It is the 90° east longitude
(d) It is the 180° longitude
Ans: (d)
96. Earthquake is caused by
(a) disturbance of earth surface
(b) adjustment of layers of earth‟s crust
(c) breakage of rock system
(d) upliftment of rocks
Ans: (a)
97. The highest grade and best quality
coal is
(a) Lignite (b) Peat
(c) Bituminous (d) Anthracite
Ans: (d)
98. River erosion is at its greatest where
(a) depth is more
(b) breadth is more
(c) flow is fast
(d) gradient is more
Ans: (c)
99. In which of the following is the Great
Barrier Reef located ?
(a) Coral Sea
(b) Solomon Sea
(c) Bismarck Sea
(d) Arafura Sea
Ans: (a)
100. The term „epicentre‟ is associated
(a) Earthquakes (b) Volcanoes
(c) Cyclones (d) Landslides
Ans: (a)
101. What is the scale used for measuring
the intensity of the earthquake?
(a) Richter scale
(b) Metric scale
(c) Centigrade scale
(d) Newton‟s scale
Ans: (*)
102. Equator represents
(a) line joining North and South poles
(b) imaginary line passing round the Earth
midway between North & South poles
(c) a belt (ring) around the planet Saturn
(d) axis of rotation of Earth
Ans: (b)
103. The acceleration due to gravity at
the equator
(a) is less than that at the poles
(b) is greater than that at the poles
(c) is equal to that at the poles
(d) does not depend on the earth‟s centripetal
Ans: (a)

104. The „Pacific Ring of Fire‟ is
associated with
(a) oil well fires
(b) thermal power station
(c) volcanoes and earthquakes
(d) forest fires
Ans: (c)

105. Which one of the following rivers
forms an estuary ?
(a) Ganga (b) Tapti
(c) Godavari (d) Mahanadi
Ans: (b)
106. How much of the Earth’s land
surface is desert ?
(a) 1/10th (b) 1/5th
(c) 1/3rd (c) 1/6th
Ans: (c)

107. What percentage of world‟s
freshwater is stored as glacial ice ?
(a) 50% (b) 10%
(c) 70% (d) 30%
Ans: (c)
108. The approximate circumference of
the Earth is
(a) 13,000 km (b) 20,000 km
(c) 25,000 km (d) 30,000 km
Ans: (c)

109. Desertification can be checked by
(a) plugging gullies
(b) checking over-grazing
(c) contour ploughing
(d) forming shelter belts
Ans: (b)
110. In an iceberg floating in the sea, out
of 10 parts of its mass, how much will
remain above the surface of the water?
(a) 1 part (b) 2 parts
(c) 4 parts (d) 6 parts
Ans: (a)

111. A day is added when one crosses
(a) the equator from south to north
(b) 180 degree longitude from east to west
(c) the equator from north to south
(d) 180 degree longitude from west to east
Ans: (a)

112. When does the moon come between
the Sun and earth?
(a) Lunar eclipse
(b) Solar eclipse
(c) Sidereal day
(d) Full moon day
Ans: (b)

113. The latitude of a place is expressed
by its angular distance in relation to—
(a) Equator
(b) South Pole
(c) Axis of the Earth
(d) North Pole
Ans: (a)

114. Hanging Valley is very common in
(a) high mountains
(b) sub-Arctic region
(c) glaciated areas
(d) coastal belt
Ans: (c)

115. The word „dendritic‟ is associated with—
(a) wind (b) waves
(c) rivers (d) glaciers
Ans: (c)

116. When the earth is at the maximum
distance from the Sun, it is called
(a) Aphelion (b) Perihelion
(c) Equinox (d) Sidereal
Ans: (a)

117. The scale that measures the intensity
of earthquakes is called as
(a) Vernier scale
(b) Richter scale
(c) Beaufort scale
(d) Diagonal scale
Ans: (*)

118. The main source of usable water on
the Earth is
(a) Oceans
(b) Rivers
(c) Underground water
(d) Precipitation
Ans: (c)

119. Which of the following rivers lies in
a rift valley?
(a) Luni (b) Chambal
(c) Sone (d) Tapti
Ans: (d)

120. What is meant by Isthmus?
(a) Mouth of a river where it joins the sea
(b) Narrow strip of water dividing two land
(c) Narrow strip of land dividing two oceans
(d) Narrow strip of land connecting two large
areas of land
Ans: (c)

121. Natural embankments found on
upper valley sides are-known as
(a) high banks (b) levees
(c) bunds (d) ridge
Ans: (b)

122. Vocanoes are scattered
(a) all over the world
(b) only along the coasts
(c) on the islands
(d) mainly along young fold mountains
Ans: (c)

123. Which of the following minerals are
required for smelting iron ore?
(a) Limestone and gypsum
(b) Manganese and limestone
(c) Limestone and coal
(d) Gypsum and coal
Ans: (b)

124. One of the following is not the result
of underground water action
(a) Stalactites (b) Stalagmites
(c) Sink holes (d) Fiords
Ans: (d)

125. The inner-most layer of the earth is
known as
(a) Lithosphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Asthenosphere
(d) Barysphere
Ans: (c)

126. The temperature of water at the
bottom of a large waterfall is higher than
that of the water at the top. because
(a) the falling water absorbs heat from the
(b) the water at the bottom has greater
potential energy.
(c) the kinetic energy of the falling water is
converted into heat.
(d) rocks on the bed of the river give out heat.
Ans: (c)

127. Which one of the following is an
igneous rock?
(a) Sandstone (b) Shale
(c) Quartzite (d) Granite
Ans: (d)

128. The greatest erosive power of a
river is associated with
(a) gorges
(b) meanders
(c) inter-locking spurs
(d) V-shaped valley
Ans: (b)

129. Prime Meridian passes through
(a) Greenwich (b) Ujjain
(c) New York (d) Tokyo
Ans: (a)
130. What is the epicentre of an
(a) The point at which earthquake originates
(b) The point which is prone to volcanoes
(c) The point from which the intensity of seismic waves declines
(d) The point on the earth‟s surface vertically above the seismic focus
Ans: (d)

131. The main cause of recurring flood is
(a) Soil erosion
(b) Deforestation
(c) Silting of river beds
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d)

132. Which one of the following is the
greatest circle ?
(a) Tropic of Cancer
(b) Tropic of Capricorn
(c) Equator
(d) Arctic Circle
Ans: (c)

133. In the context of „time‟, GMT means
(a) General Meridian Time
(b) Greenwich Mean Time
(c) Global Mean Time
(d) None of these
Ans: (b)

134. Which of the following is a typical
feature of river erosion in youthful stage?
(a) Ox-bow lake
(b) Gorge
(c) Valley in valley
(d) Cut-bank
Ans: (b)

135. Which one of the following is not the
result of underground water action?
(a) Stalactites (b) Stalagmites
(c) Sinkholes (d) Fiords
Ans: (d)

136. Which one of the following is an
unpredictable natural disaster ?
(a) Earthquake (b) Cyclone
(c) Tornado (d) Hurricane
Ans: (a)

137. The natural gaps across the
mountains which provide routes are
(a) Peaks (b) Dunes
(c) Plateaus (d) Passes
Ans: (d)

138. „Flash floods‟ are associated with
(a) Thunderstorms
(b) Cyclonic storms
(c) Tsunami
(d) Tornado
Ans: (b)

139. Tundras are
(a) Deciduous forests
(b) Tropical rain forests
(c) Cold deserts
(d) Hot deserts
Ans: (c)

140. The rapid sliding of large masses of
bed rocks is called :
(a) Landslide (b) Earthquake
(c) Weathering (d) Mass wasting
Ans: (a)

141. Which type of lake is formed by
volcanic activities ?
(a) Caldera lake
(b) Karst lake
(c) Lagoon
(d) Fresh water lake
Ans: (a)

142. Earthquakes are generally
associated with :
(a) Joints (b) Faults
(c) Folds (d) Schistosity
Ans: (b)

143. The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through
(a) Myanmar (b) Nepal
(c) Bangladesh (d) China
Ans: (b)

144. Mounds of sand formed by wind action are called
(a) Cliffs (b) Cirques
(c) Dunes (d) Hamadas
Ans: (c)

145. The rate of deforestation is high in
(a) Tropical zone
(b) Desert areas
(c) Temperate zone
(d) Boreal forest
Ans: (c)

146. Ice glacier‟s melting is a common
phenomenon linked to the rise in
seawater level. The glaciers are
predominantly present in
(a) Greenland (b) Antarctica
(c) Himalayas (d) Arctic
Ans: (b)

147. The angle between the magnetic
meridian and the geographical meridian
at a place is
(a) Azimuth (b) Dip
(c) Declination(d) Latitude
Ans: (c)

148. Lake formed in a cut off river,
meander is called:
(a) Playa Lake
(b) Meteoric Lake
(c) Ox-Bow Lake
(d) Crater Lake
Ans: (c)

149. Sandstone is metamorphosed to:
(a) Shale (b) Slate
(c) Quartzite (d) Marble
Ans: (c)

150. Moraines are formed in
(a) River deltas
(b) Arid regions
(c) Glacial regions
(d) Monsoon region
Ans: (c)

151. The Himalayan mountain range is an
example of
(a) Volcanic mountain
(b) Residual mountain
(c) Block mountain
(d) Fold mountain
Ans: (d)

152. Breaking down of rock in situ is
known as
(a) Erosion
(b) Weathering
(c) Mass wasting
(d) Degradation
Ans: (b)

153. Which of the following is an
example of Plutonic Igneous Rock?
(a) Basalt (b) Granite
(c) Slate (d) Dolomite
Ans: (b)

154. The cup-shaped mouth of the
volcano is
(a) Focus (b) Epicentre
(c) Crater (d) Cinder cone
Ans: (c)

155. The stagnant water at the bottom of
a lake is called
(a) Epilimnion (b) Mesolimnion
(c) Metalimnion(d) Hypolimnion
Ans: (d)

156. The formation of „Mushroom rock‟
in desert region is an example of
(a) Deflation (b) Attrition
(c) Abrasion (d) Erosion
Ans: (c)

157. Obsidian, Andesite, Gabbro and
Perodite are :
(a) Metamorphic rocks
(b) Intrusive rocks
(c) Sedimentary rocks
(d) Extrusive rocks
Ans: (*)

158. Which one of the following is a
Sedimentary Rock ?
(a) Granite (b) Charnockite
(c) Basalt (d) Arkose
Ans: (d)

159. Hydraulic Action is a type of erosion
caused by
(a) Running water
(b) Wind
(c) Glacier
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)

160. Which of the following is the newest
geological era ?
(a) Permian (b) Triassic
(c) Cretaceous (d) Jurassic
Ans: (c)

161. Spot the odd item in the following :
(a) Basalt (b) Ruby
(c) Emerald (d) Sapphire
Ans: (a)
162. Which of the following is an organic
rock ?
(a) Marble (b) Coal
(c) Granite (d) Slate
Ans: (b)

163. The mountain formed on the earth
crust due to tension is called
(a) Young folded mountain
(b) Old folded mountain
(c) Laccolith mountain
(d) Block mountain
Ans: (d)

164. Spot the odd item of the following :
(a) Shale (b) Marble
(c) Limestone (d) Sandstone
Ans: (b)

165. Solar eclipse occurs when
(a) the Moon does not lie on the line joining
the Sun and the Earth
(b) the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth
(c) the Sun comes between the Moon and the Earth
(d) the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun
Ans: (b)

166. Rift Valley is formed
(a) between two anticlines
(b) between two faults
(c) erosion of synclinal basin
(d) due to volcanic eruption
Ans: (b)

167. Widening of a river valley takes
place due to
(a) Corrosion
(b) Lateral erosion
(c) Corrasion
(d) Hydraulic action
Ans: (b)

168. Which type of lake is formed by
volcanic activities ?
(a) Lagoon
(b) Fresh water lake
(c) Cladera lake
(d) Karst lake
Ans: (c)

169. Nappe is a kind of
(a) fluvial feature
(b) folded structure
(c) erosional plain
(d) delta region
Ans: (b)

170. The area which is resistant to any
massive structural transformation is
(a) rigid mass
(b) ancient landmass
(c) tectonic plate
(d) shield
Ans: (d)

171. The area marked by internal
(a) Plateau (b) Plains
(c) Deserts (d) Mountains
Ans: (c)

172. Why is the South Pole colder than
the North Pole ?
(a) High altitude
(b) More rainfall
(c) Strong winds
(d) Away from the sun
Ans: (a)

173. An earthquake is also known as
(a) Teacher (b) Tremor
(c) Temper (d) None of these
Ans: (b)

174. Which one of the following rivers
crosses the tropic of capricorn twice ?
(a) Vaal (b) Limpopo
(c) Nizer (d) Zambezi
Ans: (b)

175. „Willow‟ for a cricket bat is obtained from
(a) Tropical forests
(b) Rain forests
(c) Deciduous forests
(d) Coniferous forests
Ans: (c)

176. The longest river in Asia is
(a) River Indus
(b) River Yangtze
(c) River Hwang Ho
(d) River Ganga
Ans: (b)

177. The Equator does not pass through
which of the following countries ?
(a) Kenya (b) Mexico
(c) Indonesia (d) Brazil
Ans: (b)

178. The majority of Earth‟s crust is
composed of which rock ?
(a) Igneous (b)Metamorphic
(c) Sedimentary (d)Carbonate
Ans: (a)

179. The largest forest which covers 25
percent of the world‟s forest land is :
(a) The Tropical Rain forest
(b) Taiga forest of Siberia
(c) Monsoon forest
(d) Temperate forests of Europe
Ans: (b)

180. The „graded profile‟ of a river course is a
(a) smooth curve from source to mouth.
(b) smooth curve in the upper course.
(c) smooth curve in the middle course.
(d) smooth curve in the lower course.
Ans: (a)

181. Sink hole is a phenomenon of _______ topography.
(a) Plain (b) Desert
(c) Tundra (d) Karst
Ans: (d)

182. Earthquakes are caused by
(a) Denudation
(b) Tectonism
(c) Earth revolution
(d) Earth rotation
Ans: (b)

183. The earth completes one rotation on
its axis in :
(a) 23 hrs. 56 min. 4.9 sec
(b) 23 hrs. 10 min. 2 sec
(c) 23 hrs. 30 min.
(d) 24 hrs.
Ans: (a)

184. Granite, quartzite areas have
upstanding look because
(a) mechanically wealthered faster
(b) these rocks are resistant to all kinds of
(c) these rocks are not easily croded
(d) not easily worn down
Ans: (d)
185. In mountainous areas a natural
cause for road blocks is often :
(a) road repairs and construction
(b) land slides
(c) tree felling
(d) traffic congestion
Ans: (b)
186. Which of the following refers to the
white salt which covers the land in some
areas during dry season?
(a) usar (b) reh
(c) erg (d) reg
Ans: (b)
187. Meanders are the features formed by
(a) glaciers (b) rivers
(c) winds (d) ocean waters
Ans: (b)
188. Uneven distribution of insolation on
the earth is mainly due to the
(a) spherical shape of the earth
(b) distribution of land and water
(c) direction of the winds
(d) presence of pressure belts
Ans: (a)
189. Equinox occurs when the sun is
vertically above _____
(a) Tropic of Capricorn
(b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) Poles
(d) Equator
Ans: (d)
190. An Equinox is when:
(a) Day and night are of equal length
(b) Day is of the shortest duration during the
(c) Day is of the longest duration in the year
(d) Day when maximum rainfall of the year
Ans: (a)
191. _________ is the thinnest layer of
(a) Mantle (b) Outer Core
(c) Crust (d) Inner Core
Ans: (c)
192. Why the Earth is having its own
atmosphere ?
(a) Winds (b) Clouds
(c) Gravity
(d) Rotation of the Earth
Ans: (c)
193. The minimum short-term natural
hazard is
(a) blizzard (b) earthquake
(c) volcanic eruption
(d) bolt of lightning
Ans: (d)
194. Molten rock below the surface of
the earth is called
(a) Basalt (b) Laccolith
(c) Lava (d) Magma
Ans: (d)
195. A landscape which is caused due to
the fissure in the earth along which one
side has moved down with reference to
the other is known as
(a) Rift Valley
(b) U Shaped Valley
(c) V Shaped Valley
(d) Hanging Valley
Ans: (a)
196. Sink hole is a phenomenon of :
(a) Plain (b) Desert
(c) Tundra (d) Karst
Ans: (d)
197. When Granite rocks get
metamorphosed, they form
(a) Quartzite (b) Gneiss
(c) Marble (d) Slate
Ans: (b)
198. The disconnected lines drawn on a
map for showing slope
(a) Bench marks
(b) Contours (c) Form lines
(d) Hachure
Ans: (d)
199. A group of inter-connected islands is
known as __________ .
(a) Strait (b) Peninsula
(c) Archipelago
(d) Lagoon
Ans: (c)
200. The term “Doab” means
(a) a land between two mountains
(b) a land between two lakes
(c) a land between two rivers
(d) a land between two seas
Ans: (c)
201. Magnetic Meridian is a
(a) Line parallel to the equator of the Earth
(b) Latitude
(c) Line joining the geographic north and
geographic south of Earth
(d) Plane passing through the magnetic north
and magnetic south of Earth
Ans: (d)
202. Isolines joining places of equal
rainfall are called ________
(a) isohyets (b) isotherms
(c) isobars (d) contours
Ans: (a)
203. Which of the following is not an
Igneous Rock?
(a) Dolomite (b) Granite
(c) Basalt (d) Gabbro
Ans: (a)
204. If speed of rotation of the earth
increases, the weight of the body
(a) decreases
(b) increases
(c) remains the same
(d) may increase or decrease
Ans: (a)
205. The land forms formed by wave
erosion is :
(a) Spit (b) Beach
(c) Cave (d) Barrier island
Ans: (c)
206. A drainage pattern where a river is
joined by its tributaries approximately
at right angles is ____________
(a) Dendritic (b) Trellis
(c) Rectangular(d) Radial
Ans: (b)
207. The core of the earth is also known
(a) Lithosphere
(b) Mesosphere
(c) Barysphere
(d) Centrosphere
Ans: (c)
208. The rock that results from
solidification of molten lava from a
volcano is an example of which of the
following ?
(a) Igneous Rock
(b) Granite Rock
(c) Basalt Rock
(d) Magnetite
Ans: (a)
209. A broad, low embankment built up
along the banks of a river channel during
floods is called
(a) Delta (b) Levee
(c) Flood Plain
(d) Dune
Ans: (b)
210. What process takes place during the
youthful stage of a river ?
(a) Valley widening
(b) River rejuvenating
(c) Valley deepening
(d) Meandering
Ans: (c)
211. Winds blowing constantly in one
direction in rocky deserts form
(a) Chimneys
(b) Mushrooms rocks
(c) Yardangs
(d) Demoiselles
Ans: (c)
212. What is the mean temperature of
(a) 6 degree Celsius
(b) 16 degree Celsius
(c) 26 degree Celsius
(d) 36 degree Celsius
Ans: (b)
213. What is the position of the Earth
when it is at the greatest distance from
the sun ?
(a) Aphelion (b) Antipode
(c) Perihelion (d) Aldiate
Ans: (a)

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