Pedology or Soil Geography and Agriculture

367. Laterite soil develops as a result of :
(a) deposits of alluvial
(b) deposits of loess
(c) leaching
(d) continued vegetation cover
Ans: (c)
368. The soil water which is of the
greatest importance to the plant life is
(a) Gravitational water
(b) Capillary water
(c) Hygroscopic water
(d) Combined water
Ans: (b)
369. The colour of loamy soil is
(a) Greenish brown
(b) Bluish green
(c) Yellowish brown
(d) Blackish brown
Ans: (d)
370. Laterite soils are found in area
(a) normal temperature and rain fall is less
(b) temperature is high and rainfall is heavy
(c) temperature is low and rainfall is nominal
(d) temperature is high and rainfall is normal
Ans: (b)
371. The soil conservation method in
which mountain slope is cut into step is
(a) Contour ploughing
(b) Cover planting
(c) Strip cropping
(d) Terracing
Ans: (d)
372. For the cultivation of Tobacco the
soil should be rich in
(a) calcareous matter
(b) nitrogen
(c) organic content
(d) potash
Ans: (d)
373. Which of the following types of soil
is best suited for cotton cultivation ?
(a) Black (b) Red
(c) Laterite (d) Mountain
Ans: (a)
374. The soil which originate under tallgrass prairie vegetation is called
(a) Black soils
(b) Chestnut soils
(c) Chernozem soils
(d) Terra rosa soils
Ans: (c)
375. Mountain soil contains a lot of—
(a) humus
(b) clay
(c) coase material
(d) iron and aluminium salt
Ans: (a)
376. Which of the following methods
does not help in conserving soil fertility
and moisture?
(a) Contour ploughing
(b) Dry farming
(c) Strip cropping
(d) Shifting agriculture
Ans: (d)
377. Which one of the following methods
of soil conservation is most effective in
arid areas ?
(a) Mulching
(b) Shelter belt
(c) Gully plugging
(d) Terracing
Ans: (b)
378. Which one of the following does not
cause soil erosion ?
(a) Deflation
(b) Deforestation
(c) Weathering
(d) Overcropping
Ans: (a)
379. Soil erosion on hill slopes can be
checked by
(a) Afforestation
(b) Terrace cultivation
(c) Strip cropping
(d) Contour ploughing
Ans: (b)
380. The crop mainly grown in hills is :
(a) sweet corn (b) sweet jowar
(c) sweet potato (d) sweet pea
Ans: (b)
381. Which one of the following
practices is adopted for restoring the
fertility of soil ?
(a) Weeding (b) Levelling
(c) Fallowing (d) Harrowing
Ans: (c)
382. Which is a tropical food crop
requiring a temperature of 270 C and a
rain fall more than 100 cm?
(a) Wheat (b) Maize
(c) Rice (d) Barley
Ans: (c)
383. Coffee is a
(a) Sub- tropical shrub
(b) Warm temperate shrub
(c) Tropical shrub
(d) Cool temperate shrub
Ans: (c)
384. Contour ploughing helps in
(a) stopping floods
(b) growing crops
(c) soil conservation
(d) checking landslides
Ans: (c)
385. Black soil is mainly related with the
crop of
(a) cotton (b) sugarcane
(c) tea (d) coffee
Ans: (a)
386. Humus is a type of
(a) fossil seen on the rocks
(b) decaying organic matters in soil
(c) fertilizers applied in soil
(d) special growth found in plants
Ans: (b)
387. The significant quantity of upper
soil is formed by
(a) Igneous rock
(b) Sedimentary rock
(c) Metamorphic rock
(d) Biological degradation
Ans: (b)
388. In a desert region, soil erosion can
be checked by
(a) Tree plantation/afforestation
(b) Crop rotation
(c) Contour ploughing
(d) Using farm manure

389. Alluvial soils are usually
(i) Rich in nitrogen
(ii) Poor in humus
(iii) Highly fertile
(iv) Easy to plough
(a) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Ans: (d)
390. The land which is not cultivated
every year though it is suitable for
cultivation :
(a) Waste land
(b) Pasture land
(c) Fallow land
(d) Cultivable waste land
Ans: (b)
391. The organic matter present in soil is
known collectively as
(a) Hydrocarbons (b) Podsols
(c) Humus (d) Colloids
Ans: (c)
392. Which one the following soils is
used for the production of bricks ?
(a) Peaty and organic
(b) Saline
(c) Laterite
(d) Red and yellow
Ans: (d)
393. Plantation of trees on a large scale to
check soil erosion are called:
(a) Shelter belts
(b) Contour ploughing
(c) Strip cropping
(d) Afforestation
Ans: (d)
394. Soil formed by leaching and
oxidation is
(a) Black soil (b) Laterite soil
(c) Red soil (d) Montane soil
Ans: (b)
395. Soil which is prone to intensive
leaching due to rain is called
(a) Laterite (b) Black
(c) Alluvial (d) Red
Ans: (a)
396. Soil factors are otherwise known as :
(a) Edaphic factors
(b) Biotic factors
(c) Physiographic factors
(d) Climatic factors
Ans: (a)

398. Identify the most infertile amongst
the following soils.
(a) Black cotton soil
(b) Alluvial soil
(c) Laterite soil
(d) Peaty soil
Ans: (c)
399. Which one of the following pairs is
not correctly matched ?
(a) Khadar – Zonal soil
(b) Podzol – Zonal soil
(c) Chestnut – Zonal soil
(d) Bhangar – Azonal soil
Ans: (a)
400. In a desert region, soil erosion can
be checked by
(a) Contour ploughing
(b) Using farm manure
(c) Tree plantation/Afforestaion
(d) Crop rotation
Ans: (c)
401. “Terra rossa‟ is a Latin word whichmeans
(a) hot area
(b) red terrain
(c) lateritic region
(d) region near the poles
Ans: (b)
402. The soils which are rich in Calcium
are known as
(a) Pedocals (b) Pedalfers
(c) Podsols (d) Laterites
Ans: (a)
403. Soil erosion can be prevented by
(a) Increasing bird population
(b) Afforestation
(c) Removal of vegetation
(d) Overgrazing
Ans: (b)
404. Who of the following has given the
term rhizoshere :
(a) Garret
(b) Alexopolus
(c) Hiltner
(d) None of the given options
Ans: (c)
405. The asha–grey soils of high–latitude
coniferous forests a known as :
(a) Tundra soils
(b) Podsols
(c) Grey–Brown soils
(d) Red and Yellow soils
Ans: (b)
406. The remedies to soil erosion are :
I. Contour bunding
II. Regulation of land use III.Cutting of
IV. Allowing grazing of animals
(a) I, III (b) I, II
(c) III, IV (d) II, III
Ans: (b)
407. In which region is Terrace farming
(a) Dry regions
(b) Slope of hills
(c) Mountain tops
(d) Rooftops
Ans: (b)
408. Alluvial soils are rich soil for crop
cultivation but are poor in
(a) humus
(b) nitrogen and humus
(c) organic material
(d) inorganic material
Ans: (b)
409. Bamboo is classified as
(a) Tree (b) Grass
(c) Shrub (d) Herb
Ans: (b)
410. The transfer of minerals from top
soil to subsoil through soil-water is
(a) Percolation
(b) Conduction
(c) Leaching
(d) Transpiration
Ans: (c)
411. Black soil is also known by which of
the following name ?
(a) Khadar Soil
(b) Bangar Soil
(c) Alluivial Soil
(d) Regur soil
Ans: (d)
412. Salination of soil is caused by
(a) pesticides
(b) soil erosion
(c) excess irrigation
(d) crop rotation
Ans: (c)
413. Which one of the following is the
indirect use of forests ?
(a) Medicinal plants
(b) Checking soil erosion
(c) Building material
(d) Grazing
Ans: (b)

414.414. In order to prevent the expansion of
deserts, trees are planted in strips or
blocks with the shortest trees on the
Such plantation is called?
(a) shelter belts (b) agroforests
(c) wind breaks (d) social forests
Ans: (c)
415. The food chain refers to the transfer
of energy from :
(a) the interior of the earth to the surface
(b) lower to higher latitudes
(c) one organism to another
(d) organisms of the land to those of the sea
by means of river
Ans: (c)
416. The presence of a lion in the forest is
essential in order to
(a) keep the trees safe from felling
(b) add beauty in the forests
(c) save the pastures from being overgrazed
(d) keep other carnivorous animals away
Ans: (c)
417. Which one is not a non-conventional
energy source?
(a) Nuclear energy
(b) Solar Energy
(c) Wind energy
(d) Tidal power
Ans: (a)
418. The Montreal Protocol 1987 refers to
(a) saving the Bio-diversity of our planet
(b) signing of an accord on the peaceful uses
of atmoic energy
(c) signing of an accord on keeping the
antarctica as a nuclear free zone
(d) saving the ozone layer from destruction
by reducting the use of CFCs
Ans: (d)
419. Trees are leafless for a shorter or
longer season of the year in :
(a) Evergreen forest
(b) Mangrove forest
(c) Scrub jungle forest
(d) Deciduous forest
Ans: (d)
420. Snakes and vultures are eating rats
in a field. If wild dogs are let into the
field, what will be the immediate result ?
(a) Decrease in the number of snakes
(b) Decrease in the number of vultures
(c) Decrease in the number of rats
(d) Increase in the number of snakes.
Ans: (c)
421. Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa
often face natural disasters due to
(a) Cyclones (b) Earthquakes
(c) Landslides (d) Tornadoes
Ans: (a)
422. The main cause of global climatic change is
(a) increase in the content of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
(b) emissions of industrial gases
(c) adding of dust
(d) changes in plant cover
Ans: (a)
423. The sphere of living matter together
with water, air and soil on the surface of
the earth is known as
(a) Lithosphere (b) Biosphere
(c) Hydrosphere (d) Atmosphere
Ans: (b)
424. „Green Accounting‟ means
measuring the National Income of the
country taking into account estimation of
(a) the total forest area of the country
(b) the destruction of forest cover of the country
(c) pollution and environmental damage
(d) area of reclaimed fallow land
Ans: (c)
425. Which one of the following is an
abiotic and renewable resource?
(a) iron ore (b) livestock
(c) water (d) forests
Ans: (c)
426. The largest ecosystem of the Earth is
(a) Biome (b)Hydrosphere
(c) Lithosphere (d) Biosphere
Ans: (a)
427. An artificial ecosystem is represented by :
(a) pisciculture tank
(b) agricultural land
(c) zoo
(d) aquarium
Ans: (d)
428. Which is the most stable ecosystem ?
(a) Desert (b) Ocean
(c) Mountain (d) Forest
Ans: (b)
429. An ecosystem consists of :
(a) producers, consumers and decomposers
in a particular area.
(b) all the plants and animals of an area.
(c) a living community and its environment.
(d) carnivorous and herbivorous of an area
Ans: (c)
430. Which one of the following is a greenhouse gas?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Carbon-di-Oxide
(d) Ozone
Ans: (c)
431. An ecological system is a
(a) Biological system
(b) Biogeochemical system
(c) Physicochemical system
(d) Bioecological system
Ans: (a)
432. In predation between
i. A lion and a deer
ii. A snake and a frog
iii. A lizard and an insect and
iv. An owl and a rat Which predator will
have greater control over its prey?
(a) Lion (b) Owl
(c) Snake (d) Lizard
Ans: (c)
433. After which one of the following
tribes of India, has a large continent of
ancient geological history of the world
been named?
(a) Santhals (b) Bhils
(c) Marias (d) Gonds
Ans: (d)
434. Evergreen rain forest is mainly
found in regions having well distributed
annual rainfall
(a) Below 50 cm
(b) 50-100 cm
(c) 100-200 cm
(d) More than 200 cm
Ans: (d)
435. Mangrove forests occur in
(a) high mountains
(b) snowy plains
(c) coastal swamps
(d) interior plateaus
Ans: (c)
436. To which natural vegetation belt do
Sal and Teak trees belong ?
(a) Temperate forests
(b) Equatorial forests
(c) Tropical deciduous forests
(d) Mixed forests
Ans: (c)
437. The distribution of characteristic
vegetation of a region is determined
mainly by
(a) soil, water and temperature
(b) water, greenhouse effect and altitude
(c) wind, water and latitude
(d) sunlight, water and wind
Ans: (a)
438. What makes an ecosystem ?
(a) A living community and its environment
(b) All the plants and animals of an area
(c) Carnivores and herbivores of an area
(d) Producers, consumers and decomposers
in a particular locality
Ans: (a)
439. Source of energy in ecosystem is
(a) Sun
(b) Green plants
(c) Sugar produced in photosynthesis
(d) ATP
Ans: (a)
440. The area reserved for the welfare of
wild life is called :
(a) Sanctuary
(b) Forest
(c) National Park
(d) Botanical garden
Ans: (c)
441. There is a need to keep larger area
under forests for :
(a) absorption of carbon dioxide
(b) protecting wildlife
(c) raising precipitation
(d) geological balance
Ans: (a)
442. Dumping of solid waste in lowlying
areas earth cover is called as :
(a) Sanitary landfilling
(b) Open dumping
(c) Composting
(d) Incineration
Ans: (a)
443. The cause of loss of forest cover is
(a) Agriculture
(b) Building Industry
(c) Increasing population
(d) Toursim & pilgrimage
Ans: (c)
444. ‘Green House Effect’ means
(a) Pollution in houses in tropical regions
(b) Trapping of solar energy due to
atmospheric oxygen
(c) Trapping of solar energy due to
atmospheric carbon dioxide
(d) Cultivation in green houses so as to check
Ans: (c)
445. A natural region has the similarity of
(a) climate and natural vegetation
(b) climate and occupation
(c) soil and drainage
(d) economic base and reces
Ans: (a)
446. Global warming is expected to
result in
(a) Increase in level of sea
(b) Change in crop pattern
(c) Change in coastline
(d) All of the above
Ans: (d)
447. Man can maintain an ecological
balance in the biosphere by
(a) deforestation
(b) developing new breeds of cultivated
plants and domesticated animals
(c) using insecticides and pesticides
(d) understanding the delicate balance in the
relative number of organisms
Ans: (d)
448. Which of the following exhibits
unidirectional flow in an ecosystem ?
(a) Light (b) Energy
(c) Water (d) Biomass
Ans: (b)
449. Which of the following exhibits
unidirectional flow in an ecosystem ?
(a) Light (b) Energy
(c) Water (d) Biomass
Ans: (b)
450. Rubber plantations are found in
(a) Temperate forests
(b) Mountain regions
(c) Polar regions
(d) Equatorial regions
Ans: (d)
451. “Tidal forest” is otherwise called :
(a) Evergreen forest
(b) Monsoon forest
(c) Mangrove forest
(d) Coniferous forest
Ans: (c)
452. All the ecosystems taken together in
a geographical area form a bigger unit
(a) biosphere (b) territory
(c) biome (d) community
Ans: (c)
453. The word Biosphere refers to :
(a) Zone of soil, water and air around earth
capable of supporting the flora and fauna.
(b) Part of earth surface which can support
the flora
(c) Parts of air around earth a where life can
(d) Zone of water on earth which can support
Ans: (a)
454. Which of the following metals
contribute to to biomagnification
problem in the ecosystem ?
(a) Mercury (b) Chromium
(d) Copper (d) Lead
Ans: (a)
455. What is the percentage coverage of
Tropical Forest on earth‟s landmass ?
(a) 7 (b) 12
(c) 17 (d) 25
Ans: (a)
456. The fur of the animals living in
colder regions
(a) protects them from water
(b) traps the air and keeps them warm
(c) protects them from enemies
(d) makes them appear beautiful
Ans: (b)
457. Which of the following phenomena
is supposedly associated with global
warming ?
(a) Southern Oscillations
(b) El Nino
(c) La Nino
(d) El Nino Modiki
Ans: (d)
458. Which of the following is a renewable resource ?
(a) Coal (b) Mineral oil
(c) Natural gas (d) Forests
Ans: (d)
459. Taiga means :
(a) Decidious forests
(b) Coniferous forests
(c) Grass lands
(d) Deserts
Ans: (b)
460. Virtually treeless, sparse vegetation
is found in :
(a) Taiga (b) Alpine
(c) Tundra (d) Chapparal
Ans: (c)
461. Name the condition which
influences the development of plants
into distinctive forms.
(a) Climatic conditions
(b) Soil conditions
(c) Environmental conditions
(d) Social conditions
Ans: (a)
462. Species which has restricted
distribution is called
(a) Eco species (b) Endemic
(c) Sympatric (d) Allopatric
Ans: (b)
463. The space retaining life in any form
is called
(a) Biomass (b) Biosphere
(c) Lithosphere (d) Hydrosphere
Ans: (b)
464. Which of the following is a
Biological method of soil conservations ?
(a) Contour farming
(b) Contour terracing
(c) Gully control
(d) Basin listing
Ans: (a)
465. With what bio-region is the term
„„Steppe‟‟ associated ?
(a) Grasslands
(b) Tropical forests
(c) Savanna
(d) Coniferous forests
Ans: (a)
466. Tropical rain forest is characterised
(a) Absence of trees
(b) Least productivity
(c) Maximum biodiversity
(d) Minimum biodiversity
Ans: (c)
467. Natural sources of air pollution are
(a) Forest fires
(b) Volcanic eruptions
(c) Dust storm
(d) Smoke from burning dry leaves
468. Which one of the following is the
correct sequence of ecosystem in the
order of decreasing productivity?
(a) Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grassland
(b) Mangroves, oceans, grassland, lakes
(c) Oceans, lakes, grassland, mangroves
(d) Mangroves, grasslands, lakes, oceans
Ans: (d)
469. Vergreen type Forests are found in :
(a) Mediterranean region
(b) Monsoon climatic area
(c) Desert region
(d) Equatorial region
Ans: (d)
470. The maximum biodiversity is found in
(a) Tropical rain forests
(b) Temperate forests
(c) Coniferous forests
(d) Arctic forest
Ans: (a)
471. In _______ forests, trees shed their
leaves in a particular season.
(a) evergreen (b) mangrove
(c) deciduous (d) thorny
Ans: (c)
472. Biosphere refers to
(a) the area of the land inhabited by living
(b) the part of ocean inhabited by plants and
(c) the portion of the earth, including the
oceans, the land, the soil and the atmosphere
inhabited by living organisms
(d) the atmosphere surrounding the living
Ans: (c)
473. Which of the following phenomena
is supposedly associated with global
warming ?
(a) El Nino
(b) La Nina
(c) El Nino Modoki
(d) Southern Oscillation
Ans: (a)

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