
474. The one who is engaged in scientific drawing of maps is called
(a) Geographer
(b) Cartographer
(c) Meteorologist
(d) Geologist
Ans: (b)

475. The science of map-making is
(a) Cartography (b) Geography
(c) Carpology (d) Geology
Ans: (a)

476. Instrument used for measuring area on maps is called
(a) Planimeter (b) Eidograph
(c) Pantograph (d) Opisometer
Ans: (a)

477. The land of maximum biodiversity is
(a) Tropical (b) Temperate
(c) Monsoonal (d) Equatorial
Ans: (a)

478. Who coined the word „Geography‟?
(a) Ptolemy (b)Eratosthenese
(c) Hacataus (d) Herodatus
Ans: (b)

479. The art and science of map making is called
(a) Remote Sensing
(b) Cartography
(c) Photogrammetry
(d) Mapping
Ans: (b)

480. Which one of the following organisations is responsible for publishing topographical sheets?
(a) Geological Survey of India (G.S.I.)
(b) National Atlas & Thematic Mapping Organisation (N.A.T.M.O.)
(c) Indian Meteorological Department (I.M.D.)
(d) Survey of India (S.O.I.)
Ans: (d)

481. What is the alternate name for contour lines ?
(a) Isopotential (b) Istherm
(c) Isohypse (d) Isohyet
Ans: (c)

482. Contours are imaginary lines showing
(a) places of equal atmospheric pressure
(b) same temperature areas
(c) places of equal altitudes
(d) equal sunshine areas
Ans: (c)

483. The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are
(a) Hachures (b) Contours
(c) Spot-heights (d) Isomers
Ans: (b)

484. Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called
(a) Isobars (b) Isohyets
(c) Isohalines (d) Isotherms
Ans: (d)

485. What is meant by the term “midnight sun” ?
(a) Twilight
(b) Rising Sun
(c) Very bright moon
(d) Sun shining in the polar circle for long time
Ans: (d)

486. The well through which water comes out through hydraulic pressure is called
(a) Ordinary well
(b) Tube well
(c) Deep tube well
(d) Artesian well
Ans: (d)

487. Maps on large scale, representing both natural and man-made features are called
(a) Wall maps
(b) Topographic maps
(c) Thematic maps
(d) Atlas maps
Ans: (b)

488. Contour line is the imaginary line joining places of equal :
(a) Rainfall (b) Humidity
(c) Elevation (d) Temperature
Ans: (c)

489. The primary goal of planning for disasters is to reduce
(a) Death (b) Damage
(c) Risk (d) Vulnerability
Ans: (d)

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