Landforms & Relief notes pdf , geography notes

Landforms & Relief notes pdf , geography notes

1. Which of the following is known as the “Roof of the World”?
(A) Everest
(B) Pamir Mountains
(C) Siberian Field
(D) Hindu Kush Mountain
Ans. (B)

2. The narrow strip of land joining two land masses is called as-
(A) Cape
(B) Isthmus
(C) Strait
(D) Peninsula
Ans. (B)

3. Which of the following city is known as the “Eternal City”?
(A) London
(B) Rome
(C) Athens
(D) Berlin
Ans. (B)

4. Desert building can be prevented by-
(A) Plugging Gullies
(B) By stopping Trespassing
(C) Contour Ploughing
(D) Forming Protective Belts
Ans. (D)

5. Match the following deserts with their places-
Desert Place
A. Kalahari 1. South America
B. Atacama 2. Australia
C. Thar 3. Africa
D. Great Victoria 4. Asia
(A) A-2,b-3,c-1,d-4 (B) A-4,b-3,c-2,d-1
(C) A-3,b-2,c-1,d-4 (D) A-3,b-1,c-4,d-2
Ans. (D)

6. Which is the largest desert of the world?
(A) Sahara
(B) Gobi
(C) Thar
(D) Taklamakan
Ans. (A)

7. In which part of Africa, Sahara desert is located?
(A) Eastern
(B) Western
(C) Northern
(D) Southern
Ans. (C)

8. The lake created by Aswan Dam in Africa is-
(A) Chad
(B) Victoria
(C) Nasser
(D) Tanganyika
Ans. (C)

9. Which of the following city is the capital of desert country mali?
(A) Damascus
(B) Bamako
(C) Adra
(D) Ankara
Ans. (B)

10. Which is the largest country (in area)?
(A) Canada
(B) China
(D) Russia
Ans. (D)

11. Corsica Island is related to-
(A) Mussolini
(B) Hitler
(C) Napoleon Bonaparte
(D) Churchill
Ans. (C)

12. Which of the following is meant by an archipelago?
(A) Lake
B) Island
(C) Mountain
(D) Plateau
Ans. (B)

13. The mountain which separates Asia and Europe is?
(A) Allai Mountain Range
(B) Alps Mountain
(C) Ural Mountain
(D) Rocky Mountain
Ans. (C)

14. Which of the country is formed of various number of islands?
(A) Papau New Guinea (B) Philippines
(C) Japan (D) Indonesia
Ans. (D)

15. Which of the following is not a result of underground water-activity?
(A) Stalactites (B) Stalagmites
(C) Sink holes (D) Fiords
Ans. (D)

16. In which type of topography, water recharge pores are found?
(A) Karst Topography
(B) Terrain
(C) Desert (D)Tundra
Ans. (A)

17. The breaking up of the rocks at its place is known as-
(A) Erosion
(B) Weathering
(C) Mass Destruction
(D) Degradation
Ans. (B)

18. The Coral reefs are a specimen of –
(A) Temperate Forests (B) Tropical Rain Forest
(C)Savannah (D)Coppice Land
Ans. (B)

19. Pits, formed by the deflating action of wind are called-
(A) Playa (B) Yardang
(C)Blowouts (D)Sand dune
Ans. (C)

20. What is the incident of movement of landmass and rockfalls?
(A) Landslide (B) Earth progression
(C)Scaling off (D)Weathering
Ans. (A)

21. The formation of “Mushroom Rocks ” in deserts is an example of which of the following?
(A) Erosion (B) Contraction
(C) Attrition (D) Abrasion
Ans. (A)

22. What is the name of the sand mound formed by high speed of wind?
(A) Cliff (B) Cirque
(C) Dune (D) Hamada
Ans. (C)

23. Where does Moraine form?
(A) Deltas of Rivers (B) Dry Zones
(C) Glacial Region (D) Monsoon Region
Ans. (C)

24. W h i c h of the following geomorphic pairs is not correct?
(A) Cirque-Glacier (B) Coral-Ocean
(C) Delta-River (D) Pores-Air
Ans. (D)

25. The area marked by Internal drainage is-
(A) Plateau
(B) Plains
(C) Desert
(D) Mountain
Ans. (C)

26. The headland in sea is called-
(A) Strait
(B) Peninsula
(C) Isthmus
(D) Island
Ans. (B)

27. “Terra Rossa” is a Latin word that means?
(A) Warm Region
(B) Red Landscape
(C) Lateritic Region
(D) Region Nearer to Poles
Ans. (B)

28. How much part of Earth’s surface is desert?
(A) 10th (B) 5th (C) 1/3rd (D) 6th
Ans. (C)

29. The gentle ‘seaward sloping’ surface from the coasts is called __________ .
(A) Continental shelf (B) Continental rise
(C) Abyssal plains (D) Submarine ridges
Ans. (A)

30. A landscape that is caused due to the fissure in the earth along which one side has moved
down with reference to the other is known as?
(A) Rift Valley
(B) U Shaped Valley
(C) V Shaped Valley
(D) Hanging Valley
Ans. (A)

31. A broad, low embankment built up along the banks of a river channel during floods is called
(A) Delta
(B) Levee
(C) Flood Plain
(D) Dune
Ans. (B)

32. What process takes place during the youthful stage of a river?
(A) Valley widening
(B) River rejuvenating
(C) Valley deepening
(D) Meandering
Ans. (C)

33. Winds blowing constantly in one direction in rocky deserts form
(A) Chimneys
(B) Mushrooms rocks
(C) Yardangs
(D) Demoiselles
Ans. (C)

34. Which of the following areas or regions is most prone to earthquakes?
(A) Deccan Plateau
(B) Ganga-Brahmaputra Valley
(C) Plains of northern India
(D) the Western Ghats
Ans. (B)

35. Hanging Valley is very common in
(A) High mountains
(B) Sub-Arctic region
(C) Glaciated areas
(D) Coastal belt
Ans. (C)

36. Nappe is a kind of
(A) fluvial feature (B) folded structure
(C) erosional plain (D) deltaregion
Ans. (B)

37. Sink hole is a phenomenon of ________ topography
(A) Plain (B) Desert
(C) Tundra (D) Karst
Ans. (D)

38. Extensive deserts occur in the western tropical regions of continents because :
(A) of easterly trade winds.
(B) cold ocean currents flow along the western coasts
(C) of the effect of both the offshore easterly
(D) the rate of evaportation is greater along the
westerm margin areas.
Ans. (C)

39. One of the following is not the result of underground water action
(A) Stalactities (B) Stalagmites
(C) Sink holes (D) Fiords
Ans. (D)

40. The smallest island country in the Indian Ocean is
(A) Maldives
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Mauritius
(D) Madagascar
Ans. (A)

41. A wide inlet of the sea usually concave in shape,
is termed as a:
(A) Strait
(B) Sound
(C) Bay
(D) Fjord
Ans. (C)

42. The World’s largest island is
(A) Greenland (B) Iceland
(C) New Guinea (D) Madagascar
Ans. (A)

43. A group of inter-connected islands is known as
(A) Strait (B) Peninsula
(C) Archipelago (D) Lagoon
Ans. (C)

44. A broad, low embankment built up along the
banks of a river channel during floods is called
(A) Delta (B) Levee
(C) Flood Plain (D) Dune
Ans. (B)

45. Among the world oceans, which ocean is having the widest continental shelf ?
(A) Antarctic ocean
(B) Arctic Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) Atlantic ocean
Ans. (D)

46. The movement inside the Earth’s crust is studied by which of the following?
(A) Geology
(B) Seismology
(C) Plate Tectonics
(D) Pantograph
Ans. (B)

47. The material carried by the glacier such as rocks big and small, sand and silt gets deposited,
which are called glacial ________.
(A) moraines
(B) deltas
(C) plateaus
(D) grooves
Ans. (A)

48. As the river enters the plain it twists and turns forming large bends known as ____________.
(A) crooks
(B) flections
(C) rounds
(D) meanders
Ans. (D)

49. ___________ is the wearing away of the landscape by different agents like water, wind and ice.
(A) Weathering
(B) Attrition
(C) Erosion
(D) Abrasion
Ans. (C)

50. In due course of time the meander loop cuts off from the river and forms a cut-off lake, also
called an _________ lake.
(A) ox-bow
(B) oasis
(C) lagoon
(D) tectonic
Ans. (A)


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